How this Side Project racked up a $100k Cloud Bill on Netlify - and 5 ways to avoid the same fate (2024.03.13)

Hamilton Greene

In this video we'll explore how this developer's side project ended up costing him $100k in a single month including what went wrong and how you can protect your own side projects from similar DDoS scenarios.

Original blog post with all links: https://hamy.xyz/labs/2024-03_avoid-side-project-financial-ruin


01:15 - The Side Project
02:10 - The $100k Cloud Bill
09:05 - How to keep your side project from financially ruining you
10:10 - Set a Spend Limit
11:55 - Set Max Resources
14:55 - Setup DDoS Protection
17:45 - Move to Cheaper Hosting Options
19:55 - Ask for Help


- Hosting my Server-Side-Rendered F# site on Google Cloud for $1 per month - https://youtu.be/ktliIiBK2Vw?si=2IX4Ue-oFePRQvFC
- The HAM Stack - A Simple Scalable Tech Stack for building modern web apps fast and cheap - https://youtu.be/NLnZtg63h1I?si=Na-AYdMXxgoYdl4T
- Instagram's tech stack will surprise you - https://youtu.be/ODKzJrrHua0?si=bCERlQ2Mg83kWso4

About me: I'm Hamilton - a Technomancer. I build Simple Scalable Systems to make the world 1% better.

Connect with me:

- Website: https://hamy.xyz
- Twitter: @SIRHAMY - https://twitter.com/SIRHAMY

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